Steps 👣
Tip: Avoid using your fingers, except for the last step, to prevent injury from sharp debris.
Start by putting the correct instrument in your hands
- Swab on artery forceps: Center to periphery
- Wash with pressure
- Forceps Anticlockwise→ prevents infection, Remove any FBs
- Wash with pressure
- Clean with a swab
- Scissors & Scalpel: Excise any devitalized tissue, better to remove too much than too little (be aggressive)
- Wash with pressure
- Pack with a saline wick
- 1 loose suture across the pack to hold it in place
- What would you do if you found a cut tendon while debriding?
- What would you do if you found a median nerve cut while debriding?
- What would you do if you found the radial artery cut while debriding?
- When is tetanus toxoid/tetanus immunoglobulin indicated?